Basic Tour
Let’s start at the center. This is what we call the “Cue List” … it’s quite simply … the list of Cues that will be played during your performance. Here each cue has a unique number and a descriptive name. Simply click on the cue you would like to execute. The line will turn blue and you’ll see a triangle on the left hand side. This is the “Play Head”, or the marker that tells you what cue will be played next.
Once you’re ready to play a cue, you can press the GO button at the top left. See that the playhead advanced to the next cue? Pretty slick huh? You can also press the spacebar to execute the Go button.
Next to the GO button is the Standby Indicator (which shows you the most vital information about the cue that is in “standby”, meaning that it will be played next). And below that you’ll see the Notes field, which displays details about the cue.
Moving down, you’ll see the Toolbox which holds all your different building blocks or “cues”.
Here at the bottom is the Inspector. Select a cue in the cue list and you can see every single editable piece of information about that cue organized into various tabs. We’ll step through this later on a cue type by cue type basis.
At the bottom left in the workspace footer, you’ll see an Edit and Show toggle. Edit mode allows you to … edit … the workspace. Show mode removes the ability to edit any cues. This is super handy when you’re finished crafting your design and hand the Workspace to someone else to execute during performances.
At the bottom right you’ll see a couple of icons.
The first is the Warnings icon. This will appear when your workspace contains “broken” cues, meaning cues that need to be fixed before they will properly playback.
The second is the sidebar which will display other cue lists as well as a list of cues that are active or currently playing.
The final and third icon is the Workspace Settings, a group of preferences that are unique to this specific Workspace.
And finally, as is with any other Mac App, you’ll find the standard Menu Bar including the file menu with your Open and Save commands.
Were You Listening?
What is this area called?
What does this icon open?
Which cue is currently selected?
– The Toolbar
– Workspace Settings
– Cue #3, obviously